From the course: Performance Management: Setting Goals and Managing Performance

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Aligning goals

Aligning goals

- For goal setting to be truly effective, it has to be a thoughtful process of balancing needs. The needs of your employees, based on their abilities and aspirations, the needs of the team, and the needs of the organization. Now, there are now perfect goals. Every goal won't clearly address every one of these needs. And at the same time, no one goal can oppose or undermine any of the others. So let me show you how to craft goals that fit correctly into a larger performance context. Let's start with the big picture. The most successful goals cascade through the organization from the top down. At the executive level, goals are set for the year based on the strategic plan and anything learned from the prior performance period. Those goals are shared with the leadership team one step lower in the organization. Then, they establish goals for their areas that will allow the higher level goals to be achieved. This process is then continued all the way to the front lines, so that every level…
