From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Use performance management tools

Use performance management tools

- By now, you may be wondering about the apps or tools that are available to help with performance management. Well the good news is there's a lot of them. To begin with, there's performance management programs like Success Factors, Betterworks, Taleo and Halogen. As I mentioned in my course on HR technology, these programs have been expanding their service offerings into the HRES space. Conversely, HRES programs like BambooHR and Workday and Namely are now also offering performance management modules. And of course, there are many project management programs like Slack, Wrike, Smartsheet and Freshdesk that address many of the same needs. The beauty of many of these programs is they allow input from multiple sources while centralizing the management of the process. They can set timelines, reminders, allow for benchmarking, feedback, objective ratings, and even offer the ability to generate developmental plans. At the…
