From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Set clear expectations

Set clear expectations

- Great performance begins with clarity. This is true in sports, music, and the workplace. And that clarity must start with an understanding of the company's vision, mission, values, and strategic goals. If clarity is not gained at the outset, performance can easily veer off track, even while the employee thinks they're doing a good job. For example, say a retail clerk gets a new job at Nordstrom. Previously, he worked in a retail chain known for its poor customer service. To provide clarity, that new employee has to be trained in the Nordstrom culture that the customer is always right. Without that training, the clerk may feel it's his number one job to save Nordstrom's money on the spot, argue with a shopper, and in the process, tarnish a valuable customer relationship. To gain clarity, managers should ask employees these two questions. Number one, what are the most important things you do every day? And how…
