From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Performance improvement begins in the hiring process

Performance improvement begins in the hiring process

From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

Performance improvement begins in the hiring process

- In my course on employee engagement, I taught that engagement begins in the hiring process. And guess what, so does performance improvement. The challenge we face is that just about every manager is already running at full speed, so when it comes to hiring, their primary goal is to get it over with. The problem is magnified when that manager is desperate to get somebody, anybody, on board. One way to guard against the idea of hiring being a distraction is by developing a firm hiring process, one where managers are highly involved and there are no shortcuts. It begins with clarity on the manager's part about what they need from a new employee. Do you know how you'll test for required skills? Is there a personality assessment tool that can help you to see to what degree this employee is a good cultural fit? Does the job description need to be revised? Your responsibility is to place employees in a position where they…
