From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Motivate and engage employees

Motivate and engage employees

- Whether you call it engagement, motivation, or something else, one key job of a manager is improving what's known as discretionary effort on the part of an employee. Discretionary effort is the difference between the have to do and the want to do. It's about going above and beyond what's included in the job description. So that means your job is to enhance your employees' desire to perform better. I cover this topic in great detail in my course on Employee Engagement, but let me share a few ideas with you now. In every Gallup Survey since 2000, approximately only one-third of all employees are considered to be engaged. And the two-thirds who are disengaged costs the U.S. companies some $500 billion in lost productivity every year. So let me share a few engagement ideas you can put to good use. The first thing you can do is to get to know the employee. Find out about their family, their hobbies, travels, likes…
