From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Manage the poor performer

Manage the poor performer

- Let me ask you a question. Are you currently managing anyone who if they quit, you would be relieved instead of upset? When I asked that question to workshops, I usually get this painful laugh. Then I ask why is that person there? And of course, the answer is for no logical reason. Poor performance dragged down the entire team, keeping them on board sends the message to the rest of the team that mediocrity or worse will be tolerated. As someone who's litigated in employment cases for 17 years, I know this, the longer you keep on a poor performer, the riskier they become. When addressing poor performance, the first question you must ask is whether their non-performance is a systemic failure? For example, they may have been hired out of desperation, and weren't properly vetted for their skills. If that's the case, see if there's a position where the skills they have can be of some use. If not, help…
