From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Manage remote workers

Manage remote workers

- Chances are, you're managing some remote workers. They may be on the other side of town or the other side of the world, but no matter where they are, they're an important member of your team. So let me share five steps you can take to improve their performance. Number one, make sure they have proper working conditions. Are they working in a quiet place in their home or at the local Starbucks? Do they have good equipment and high speed internet, are their safety, privacy or confidentiality issues to be concerned about? Find out, open a dialogue with them so they know, you're there to get them the resources they need to perform. Second, communicate with them on a regularly scheduled basis. Meet face to face using an app like Skype, Zoom, or go to meeting. They can also join in on team meetings using similar technology. Where possible, have them come into the office every so often, so they get to know their team…
