From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Increase creative thinking

Increase creative thinking

- Strategic thinking can drive great performance. Here are six strategic ideas to consider when trying to improve the performance of your team. Number one, facilitate a dialogue where you discuss company, department, and team strategic goals. Use specific examples where possible. Allow your team to seek clarification and even make suggestions. And remember, this dialogue is on going. Number two, foster innovation by having mandatory suggestion meetings. Once a month, require every employee to come up with an idea of how they can do their job better, or identify a new improvement opportunity for the whole team. The only constraint is that it has to further the company's vision, mission, and goals. At that meeting acknowledge every suggestion with a raffle ticket, a lottery ticket, or a $2 bill. If a suggestion produces a bottom line result, you can reward that separately. Make your meetings fun and challenging and be…
