From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Have a dialogue, not an evaluation

Have a dialogue, not an evaluation

- When I speak and consult with executives, I often ask them to tell me how their performance valuation process improves performance. Most say the process itself does not. They say that what improves performance is when managers and employees finally discuss performance, which of course begs the question, why don't we discuss performance more than we do? Quantum physicist David Bohm taught that the truth does not emerge from an opinion. It emerges through dialogue, which is exactly the approach the Japanese took towards manufacturing after World War II. They had a process improvement dialogue known as kaizen at the end of every work week, asking how they could improve the manufacturing system. It's no secret that the Japanese are renowned as one of the world's greatest manufacturers. And that's because kaizen focuses on the system and drives performance towards perfection, not towards tolerance. In fact, Lexus, the top…
