From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Focus on team efforts

Focus on team efforts

- Work is a team sport, and your goal as a manager is to get your employees to perform as a championship team. To do that, you need to constantly reinforce your team's goals. So how can you do that? The first thing is to move from having expectations of each other to agreements with each other. Start by establishing a set of team commitments, agreements or rules. Team rules can cover everything from communication and conflict resolution to recognition and more. I put an example in the Exercise Files. Download it now and get a head start. Beyond team rules, you can help build team cohesiveness by doing things together as a team, from early morning huddles to going to lunch together to an evening doing an escape room adventure. It's also fun to have friendly competitions against other teams. Those give your employees an opportunity to stay focused while getting to know each other better. And the good news is that we can do…
