From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Establish a culture of execution

Establish a culture of execution

- As a manager, the bottom line is all about executing and producing results. Help you team do that and you'll have a great career. There are plenty of employees who managed to make themselves look busy and never get anything done. Busyness does not correlate with effectiveness, and that's just as true for you as it is for the people you manage. When Circuit City and Best Buy were effected by a tough economy and competition from online retailers like Amazon, Circuit City chose to cut its workforce while Best Buy maintained theirs and reinvented how they approached work. They implemented a results only workplace environment, or ROWE. Workers are given greater flexibility and autonomy, but we're required to produce results. This non-control based approach to producing results is one reason why Best Buy continues to be in business today, and why after 60 years of business, Circuit City had to close its doors.…
