From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Create motivating workplaces

Create motivating workplaces

- Let me share two stories with you about how the work environment affects performance. The first story involves a large commercial print shop, where I helped do a financial turnaround. They were not only going into bankruptcy, they had three working shifts who were constantly at odds with each other about how they left the workshop for the next shift. As a result, performance suffered. When I first arrived at the plant, I couldn't help but notice just how dirty the work area was. When I asked the CFO about it, he said that all print shops are like that. I asked him what if this became a clean print shop? What distinctions could it create in attitude and performance? He went along with my suggestion that we hire a contractor to come in over the weekend and paint the entire shop. We also brought in a cleaning crew and encouraged employees to help with the work and offered to pay them overtime and provide daycare on the…
