From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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Coach high and low performers

Coach high and low performers

- Remember, the control-based management approach is dead. Today's managers have to take a collaborative, supportive approach, and coaching is a powerful technique you can use to improve performance. Over the years, I've coached many executives and employees, and I can tell you this: The goal of coaching is to guide the employee to their own clarity. It's not about you telling them to do anything. It's about asking the right questions, listening, and coaching them to self-discovery. Coaching can be used to support high performance and encourage them to become even better. And you begin by doing your best to understand where they're at today, what motivates them, what frustrates them? Ask questions, and then listen. Once you have a grasp on the current situation, you can discuss their aspirations and see what opportunities they see for themselves and the company. Through the coaching process, they may even realize…
