From the course: Performance Management: Improving Employee Performance

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A new approach emerges

A new approach emerges

- Nobody likes performance reviews, and guess why? Most of the time they don't work. Most of the time performance doesn't improve. And let me tell you why. First, managers and employees have different expectations of what good performance means. Unless these expectations are shared and agreements developed, a great deal of understanding gets lost in the process. Second, since all managers seem to be running at 75 miles an hour, almost nobody likes to take the time out to prepare and then give performance evaluations. Therefore, they're seldom if ever done on time or with care. Third, any review has to separate the employee from the system. In other words, an employee may be doing the best job they can do, but the system doesn't allow them to succeed. They are subject to any number of variables, like poor hiring, lack of instruction, improper tools, poor training, coworkers, and even their managers. All things that are…
