From the course: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations Professional

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Introduction to Terraform

Introduction to Terraform

(logo chimes) (screen whooshes) - [Ryan] Welcome back. In the last few videos, we discussed configuring our resources using Ansible. Now we're going to turn our attention to managing what resources are even provisioned using Terraform. Terraform is composed of two main parts. The first is a declarative language that lets you codify infrastructure stacks. Don't worry about the details quite yet, but here we can see a portion of Terraform code that declares a compute instance in OCI. The second main part of Terraform is an engine that uses Terraform configurations to create a plan for making real-world infrastructure look like what is specified in the code. Again, don't worry about the details, but for example, if we give Terraform the config from before, it generates this plan to create a compute instance. It can then take this plan and convert it into API calls to any infrastructure provider. This includes not…
