From the course: On the Job Site: Construction

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Prefabrication applied on a job site

Prefabrication applied on a job site

From the course: On the Job Site: Construction

Prefabrication applied on a job site

(laid back music) - One of the big buzz words in construction today is prefabrication. - [Narrator] Prefabrication. - The idea that we can pre-build this project in a plant or a warehouse somewhere, and then just truck it out here and assemble it on site. And in fact, in some cases, we've done that for a long time. For instance, the parking structure on this project is all prefabricated, precast concrete. It was done at a plant facility in another town and then trucked out here, where they lifted it into place with the crane and erected it right on site. But what about buildings like the structure behind me? The problem with prefabricating a lot of these building structures is that in order to be efficient in prefabrication and making buildings in a warehouse, we like to see a lot of repetition, that's where we get some cost advantages with prefabrication. Well, the trouble is, architects don't really like repetition, they like unique things. They like different things, different…
