From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Wireframe a search result or browse page

Wireframe a search result or browse page - OmniGraffle Tutorial

From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Wireframe a search result or browse page

- [Instructor] The next thing we need to wire frame is our search results page, and that'll also do double duty as our browse page, basically a page that features a lot of thumbnails and descriptions. So briefly, I'm going to open up the sidebar and make a duplicate of the homepage, and we can call this one... And we can get the sidebar out of the way. So this is going to be the homepage as a template, and I'll shrink this down to be more thumbnail-size and call it Thumbnail. There's going to be a lot of copy and paste and a lot of alignment here. I think we do need sort of a page name. Now, remember when you're wire framing that part of what you're doing, it's not design work, but it is sort of showing the relative weight of the words. So I'm going to make this slightly bigger and also bold it, just indicating that it's not as big as our title, but that it is important. And then with each thumbnail, we're going to need…
