From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Wireframe a homepage

Wireframe a homepage

- [Instructor] We're getting started on our website wireframes with a home page wireframe, often a good place to start. And I'm going to go to my stencils. And this just allows me to work even more quickly. We're going to just throw out some items that we know are going to be needed on the homepage. This box with the X is a stand-in for a logo. And this is how I like to do them, the box with the X and a label for placeholders. I'm going to quickly just work through our alignment and our setup can use pre-built things, and our setup can use pre-built things, or you can also... Let's make sure we have the browser locked so it doesn't have a tendency to move or want to take the text itself. Now we can work right on top of it. (keyboard clicking) Using the keyboard shortcut Command + Plus just to quickly size this up. Nice snapping to keep things aligned, bigger. And I know we're going to need navigation. So back to my…
