From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Use text effectively

- [Instructor] We're building our org chart in OmniGraffle, and the next step is to add some text. Let me show you how. I'm going to go up to the text tool. And again, we're going to click it twice for persistent use. And then we're just going to click on any of the shapes. And you see that automatically, we get a text box. We can type some text into each shape. I'm going to go ahead and add it to all three. Okay, so you see those text elements are attached to those shapes. If I go to my selection tool and I move the shape, you'll see that it is sort of locked there. It belongs to that rectangle. We can go back to the text tool, again, with two clicks. This time, I'm going to click a line. And you see that I get what's called a line label. So as that would imply, this text is going to be attached to that line. We can add one over here as well. And finally, still with the text tool, I'm going to click just up here in the corner to add a title. So here, we see a text element that is not attached to a shape. But of course, we can use the arrow tool to move that one around as well. So there you see that there are at least three ways to add text. Add it to a shape, make a line label, or a standalone text element.
