From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Style lines

Style lines

- Lines like shapes can also be styled in OmniGraffle for different looks, and again those looks can indicate information on your diagram. So I'm just going to select one of our lines and not surprisingly, the stroke panel is active. So you have all of the same choices with strokes or lines. You can make it thicker, can have all variety of dashes. You can have different colors. I think that's a little bit much for our line. I'm going to do a couple undos and go back to something a little simpler, just a dashed line. And there's some other choices if you curved the lines, but we haven't quite done that yet. Also direct you down to the line panel. And there's a few choices here that are, again, if you have curved lines or if your lines cross each other, that's not happening yet. But the one we can see already are the caps, the arrows and different ways to end your lines. So we can have a filled arrow. And what's neat…
