From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Style and position text

Style and position text

- Just like shapes and lines. You can add style to your text elements and let's see how that's done. I'm going to start up here and just triple click to select everything there. And let's close up some things we don't need, so we can easily see our font panel. And this is going to be pretty familiar. You have a selection of the fonts themselves they're organized, but you also have all fonts can go anywhere on that list. We have size and could use a little bit bigger on our title and we have our various weights. We could do bold if we want. So that's a pretty straightforward, it's worth looking also at text position. And that's going to make more sense on one of our shapes here. So we have a lot of standards. Again, we can go to the bottom or the top of the shape we can justify left or right. That sort of thing. We can wrap to the shape. That's going to be more meaningful if you have an entire paragraph and you could…
