From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Shared layers

Shared layers

- (speaker) There's an OmniGraffle pro tool called shared layers that's especially useful for projects like this wireframe. You can see here that I have our wireframed homepage and I've separated out into some layers strategically. So I have the browser on one layer. I have all of the persistent elements that is the navigation and the title things that will be on every single page on another layer. And then I have our content area on yet another layer. So by separating these it's good for organization, but with shared layers, you can do more. So I'm going to right-click the browser, and we're going to go ahead and do the layer settings and make it a shared layer. Then we're going to do the same thing with the persistent elements. And you see how you have a little color indicator that these are now all shared layers. So just by virtue of making a shared layer, as soon as we make a new canvas in this project, you see that it…
