From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Refining sitemap content

Refining sitemap content

- [Instructor] At this point in our site map, we've represented almost all of the content in a reasonable way that we need, but I'm not really satisfied with the way it lays out on the page. In particular, I feel like the process is not clear, that order would naturally come after search, and that search and browse are both associated with all of this media content. So I just really want to clean up the positioning of things. So I'm going to start by, I think, taking these three, which are sort of ancillary pages, and just moving them a little off out of the main view. I think I'm going to break this line because I don't really think that's accurate, that people would go directly from home to order. They're going to have to browse or search first. I'm just going to put this down at the bottom for now, coming after these guys. And I'll just make a little micro adjustments here to make these more central. Think I would like…
