From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Organizing linear content as virtual index cards

Organizing linear content as virtual index cards - OmniGraffle Tutorial

From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Organizing linear content as virtual index cards

- So we're using visual index cards to organize some content to make a short film about this town. And so far I've made just a, sort of a proto-card, just a model for what these cards will look like. And I'm actually going to start by copying and pasting a few of these so that we have like blank cards to work with basically. So I'll just use the keyboard command to copy and paste paste, paste, paste. Let's spread them out for now. And then very easy, what I'm going to use is the top to name the scene, and then just fill in some notes. And I, in my template, I made space for media and quotes and notes, but really this could be anything, right? The beauty of this is it is completely open-ended, again, a lot, like we use index cards in the real world, except that these are easier to edit and easier to share. So we have, and then we start to identify what will be the main scenes in our short film, big events in the life of the…
