From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Organizing content with shapes and text

Organizing content with shapes and text - OmniGraffle Tutorial

From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Organizing content with shapes and text

- [Instructor] One job that OmniGraffle is really great at is organizing content, sometimes called content mapping. And this idea can take on many forms, so we're going to start with really early easy stage of ideation and organization and that looks like this. I have a project in mind, I do a lot of work with archival media, video, photographs, audio, and I have a project in mind where we are organizing and gathering archival media for a small town, a sort of media history and archiving project. And I'm in an early stage of this project and I just want to start to define what it is that we're collecting. And so, I'm going to start with a simple shape, just my shape tool, nice tall rectangle that I'm going to use as a sort of container or bucket to put in the different types of media that we're collecting in our small town. And our rectangle is just fine, I think this might look a little nicer with rounded corners,…
