From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Group objects

Group objects

- [Male Instructor] A powerful tool for both design and organization is grouping. Let's take a look at how it works. So there are times when you just have like objects and it's handy to deal with them together as a group. So if I select these three and then I simply group them, you see now they have a bounding box around all of them. You'll also notice that as I move, they move together, and the alignment now is working with the whole group. You see that snapping alignment is now working with the whole group, and that's really pretty powerful as you start to use it. It's worth noticing that although things are grouped, they can be ungrouped. And while they're in the group, you can still edit individual items. So when they're grouped, I can give a double click and you see I come in and inside the group, I can still make adjustment to all these individual items. Let's group these guys as well. I think it'll be…
