From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Finding and using stencils

Finding and using stencils

- [Instructor] The next step in our archive project is planning a website where the public will access all of this archival research. And the first step in that is what's called a site map. So we're going to build a site map, but to help do it, we need what are called some stencils in OmniGraffle. So that's what we're going to look at in this movie, is what are stencils, how to find them, and how to use them. So I'm just looking at a blank document here, but what I want to do for the first time is switch over to the stencils palette with a show stencils here or here, and it's going to take the place of our inspector. So now we are looking at the stencils palette. And what you see is these are a number of built in stencils. Now what are stencils? They are pre-made kits that you can use to build diagrams with. So if we start to click through these, we see them preview down below. Or if there's one you're particularly interested…
