From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Finalizing the sitemap

Finalizing the sitemap

- [Narrator] Our site map is looking really good. And I just want to do a few final steps to perfect it. As you can see, I've added some additional lines and I've also created a legend. There is a whole movie about making a legend. So you can look at that one to create that. I want to sort of micromanage my alignment and my groups here. These really have become sort of minor pages on the site. I want to quickly ungroup them and nudge them a little closer together. See what we look like, maybe 20 pixels apart, yeah create their own group and that line is getting lost. Let's see if we can keep him there, little off to the side, giving us room to make this sort of the real business of the site. I think I'd like to see this centered up. I don't want to lose my orthogonals there. Let's make sure we capture everything properly. Oop, now I got an extra one up there. One more try, everything we want and nothing we don't.…
