From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Editing details with multiple windows

Editing details with multiple windows - OmniGraffle Tutorial

From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Editing details with multiple windows

- [Instructor] We've been editing the shapes made from our text in this logo. And sometimes it's nice to see the big picture. OmniGraffle Pro has a feature where you can have multiple windows on the same file. Let me show you how it works. So I'm going to go up under window and ask for a new window on the same image. And now this is going to take a bit of maneuvering to get this all on the screen properly, but you may have a bigger screen than I do, or even multi monitors, and this works really good in those situations. So just for this screen here, I'm going to do my best to show you. And the idea is that you can use one window to be doing editing on the details where you see the effect that it's really having and you see, well, do I like this? So I'm editing the same thing there. And if I want to... sort of make the capital letters bigger, we sort of need to be close to do the manipulating, but want to be sort of…
