From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Edit persistent navigation

Edit persistent navigation

- [Instructor] We're working on our home page wireframe, and one thing that gets a lot of attention during wireframes are the navigation elements. This is a place where we can work out the details of those ideas. So that's we're going to do. This would probably be in consultation with the team. So those discussions are not featured here. But we did talk about some of these not really being equal. We did the site mapping, that browse and search were sort of our main things and these were ancillary pages. So I want to indicate that on the wireframe. And a brief note here. We're not doing design on the wireframe. We're trying to make marks that will indicate to the designer the relative weight or importance of things. So I'm double-click to get inside my group here. And then I'm going to select the three that we said are ancillary. And we're going to make that a lighter color. We can go to other and just take that…
