From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Edit a process flow based on feedback

Edit a process flow based on feedback - OmniGraffle Tutorial

From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Edit a process flow based on feedback

- We're working on our process flows and we have just the most rudimentary activity that someone could do on this site. And I just want to point out how easy these are to edit and how really these types of documents should be a tool for discussion and teamwork, more than something that's set in stone. So, here's the scenario, we have our use case here, but someone on the team points out that it's really not just browse and search. We'd like the possibility to feature content, have some content on the homepage. And some people might view media just by going to the homepage and seeing today's feature and then going right to that media. So, we want to add another option up here. Going to copy paste again and so nice how that just stays in clean alignment in OmniGraffle. I'm just going to call this one, featured content. And thing to notice, when I go to my line tool, we have these styles, including our canvas style. So, our…
