From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Distribute shapes

Distribute shapes

- Another way to make diagrams look neat is to distribute the objects evenly. And OmniGraffle makes this very, very easy. For starters, you may have noticed already that as we start to move objects around other objects, we get these valuable snapping lines. So there we see that it is equidistant there from the title to the layer below it. And similarly, if I were to move this guy, we're going to see, boom, you see that? That easy snapping to distribute. That's going to work anywhere. We drag, right. As we start to drag, we see boom, even. There's another tool that's very useful. And it's also in the align palette. I'm going to again, select multiple things with the marquee selection. And then you see down here, we have a button to distribute horizontally and we can give it a measurement 36 pixels, or do it vertically. So let's see what 36 looks like. Looks about like what I want. And similar, we can do the same…
