From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Diagram a process that involves real-world and online aspects

Diagram a process that involves real-world and online aspects - OmniGraffle Tutorial

From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Diagram a process that involves real-world and online aspects

- [Instructor] We have one more use case to diagram, and this one involves activities both online and in real life. So, it's most similar to Order Media. So, we're going to start and copy that one. And this one's going to be called Order Offline Media. And the key here is that not all of the media is going to be available on the server. Sometimes it needs to actually be transferred in order to be delivered. There's, like, a low resolution copy or a thumbnail, something like that. So order offline media and we'll lock that again, so it doesn't get in our way. So a lot of this can stay intact. What's different is that once the order media form is filled out, if it is offline media, then that's going to involve the administrator that we saw in the other movie. So I'm going to just do a copy paste here, bring our administrator friend over to our new diagram and I'll move this line to our new friend. And, also…
