From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Creating collapsible subgraphs

Creating collapsible subgraphs

- [Instructor] One pro feature of OmniGraffle is called subgraphs. And it's a special kind of group that allows you to collapse sections of your diagram. Let me show you how it works. I'm going to select up this managers here and it's grouped already, so I'm going to ungroup it because we need to make a different type of group, but now they're all selected and I'll just select it again. And now up under a range, we have group as subgraph and there you see right away the subgraph and that's a live piece of text, so we can call this the manager group. And the key with a subgraph is if you right click on it, you have the option to collapse the subgraph. And there you see that it shrinks down and gets small. And you can imagine we could group our sales group and in a diagram with a lot of different cells on it, it's convenient to collapse them and then open them up when we want to look at that detail.
