From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Creating an index card graphic

Creating an index card graphic

- I want to take a look at how OmniGraffle can be useful in organizing linear content. So not a website, but something like a book or a movie. And this is a really straightforward technique based in a real-world technique, which is working with index cards. So I want to make a single virtual index card that we can then use to organize. I'm thinking of a short film. So there is a stencil I like here and it's actually a site map stencil. Then I'm going to co-opt it to make my index card template. And that's what it looks like. It's this babylon slim site map. And I got this from Stenciltown, but I also added it to the resources. So there's a movie on Stencil's that you can use if you have any trouble finding or installing this. And going to take any one of these graphics. I think I like the one designed for home. Go ahead and drag it out there. And what I like about this is the way it's built with sort of a header…
