From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Create a process flow diagram with stencils

Create a process flow diagram with stencils - OmniGraffle Tutorial

From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

Create a process flow diagram with stencils

- I want to look at process flows in OmniGraffle and these are sometimes also call it use case scenarios. So, we're going to start again with a stencil, and if you're confused about stencils, go ahead and check out the findings stencils movie, but I've already found, and I've provided for you this stencil called a UML use case. And there's other variations on this idea, it's really quite straight forward. It starts with the stick figure, (presenter giggling) and that is our person called here an actor, I'm actually going to change its name. We'll go ahead and call this resident, because we're still working on our local archive project. And so we want to create a process flow as to how a local resident would interact with our new archive. Let's go ahead and click into the group. That's just a little group there, and I want to just get that even down nicely. So it fits and is centered. And so now we have our actor or our…
