From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Create a legend

Create a legend

- [Instructor] As diagrams start to get larger, more complex, one of the nice things to do is create a legend, a little guide, so that people know what they're looking for, what your colors means, and stuff like that. To do that, we're going to use a number of tools we've used already, maybe add one or two new ones. So I'm going to start with our Shape tool, and I'm just going to make a really little box down here, smaller than anything we've done so far in this diagram. Something like that. And then I'm going to use this trick we've seen before, which is to copy the object style and paste that onto this guy here. Paste Object Style. Okay, so now we have a little matching mini box, and because it's smaller, I'm going to adjust it just a little bit, so it sort of scales down a bit. There we go. Now I'm going to take the Text tool, and right next to it, not being too careful about the alignment, yet we'll fix it, and…
