From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Convert text to shapes

Convert text to shapes

- [Instructor] I want to show an OmniGraffle Pro feature that designers really love, and it's converting text into shapes. So we have our finished logo here, and this element is still live text. We could edit this, we could change the font, et cetera. But we have an option here, and it's up under edit objects and we can convert text to shapes. That's just like what it sounds like. So I'm going to zoom in so you can get a better look at this. I'm going to zoom way in. Whoa, that was a lot. Yeah. Okay. So notice now if we select what we have as a group, and if I ungroup, what we have is a lot of separate shapes. The text themselves has become a shape that we can manipulate. So if we want to, we can exaggerate. We can start to have fun, and not only can we sort of transform the shape, but we can also actually edit the points with our point editor tool. So if I want, I'm going to go way in here. I could add a point,…
