From the course: OmniGraffle for UX and Brainstorming

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Align shapes

Align shapes

- [Instructor] Almost any designer will tell you that the key to a good look is to have elements nicely aligned on the page. And OmniGraffle makes this very, very easy. Here, we have our org chart being built, but it's gotten a little messy and it could look a lot better if it was aligned better. So the first thing to notice is the wonderful snapping lines that OmniGraffle gives you. So if I start to move this box up, and I want to align it with the VP Sales box, you see I start to get these nice snapping lines. That's aligned top, that's aligned middle, and that's aligned bottom. And like either align middle, if I want to really match, I'll align to the top and then just resize a little bit. But again, I'll get that snap. You see that snap when everything matches? And there, I quickly get things aligned. There's another choice here that can be useful when you have more items. And I'm going to use a marquee selection to…
