From the course: Nuke Essential Training

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Rotoscoping: Part 3

Rotoscoping: Part 3 - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke Essential Training

Rotoscoping: Part 3

- [Instructor] All right, checking, back to our folder, transform tab. Okay let's see how we did, right here I want to go turn off the splines, and turn on the mat overlay, I'm on frame 24, 23, and 22. Okay, well sometimes you got to do it ones, okay, let's say we'd like to fix frame 23, mat off, wire frames on, select folder, transform tab, and I'm going to use the nudge keys on the keyboard, remember the ten keypad can nudge, so nudge. To nudge you got to turn on the on-screen control jack, when I click on it, you see that white dot appeared, the nudge does not respond until you have that white dot lit up, and that's why it's not been working for you, ha. Okay so now I can give it the old nudge, and get that guy in there, and the shoe, let's say the shoe looks good. I'm not going to worry about that, all right. So the splines off, mat on, and let's say we like that, okay, we don't but let's say we do, okay. Now let's roto backwards to the beginning of the shot. So my first key frame…
