From the course: Nuke Essential Training

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Reformat images

Reformat images

- [Instructor] Nuke has a unique view on resizing images. It reformats them. The Reformat node changes the size of images, but makes it easy to correctly resize them to the job format. It actually offers three ways of resizing images to a format, a scale factor, or a specific size. Let's add a Reformat node. I'll select my Read node. Come over to the Transform tab. Come down here and select Reformat. Here are the three types of resizing and, by default, it'll resize to a format. You can pick a format from the format list here, which is a duplicate of the one in the project settings. So in this particular case, my image is a 2K Super 35. It has a one, three, three aspect radio. That means it's very tall relative to its width. So let's see what happens if we ask for an HD format. Boom, it has cut the top and the bottom off. Now if you'd like to shift the image up and down, you'd put a Position node here above the Reformat node. The next type option is a box. If I say, for example, a…
