From the course: Nuke Essential Training

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Keyframe animation

Keyframe animation

- [Instructor] Key framing is used to animate the node parameters over time. You set the values you want on key frames, the Nuke will interpolate smoothly between them. Let's start by double clicking on the transform node to open up the transform property panel. By default, all the parameters are set for constant. For example, if I set scale here, to point five, and if I move the play head, the scale value is held constant over the whole clip. I'm going to set the play head back to frame one. Now if I want to set key frames, I can go up to the scale parameter for example, or right mouse pop up set key, and I get the bright blue data field. If I want to set it for both of these parameters, I can go to the animation menu and set key. Notice that I got these bright blue fields. If I move the play head off of that key frame they turn a light blue, which means this parameter is animated, but you're not on a key frame. So back to the key frame, bright blue, and again the gray is constant…
