From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Pursuing government grants and contracts

Pursuing government grants and contracts

From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

Pursuing government grants and contracts

- Nonprofit leaders have a love/hate relationship with government funding. You love the ongoing revenue stream that government contracts and grants can provide. But you hate the complex application process, the cumbersome reporting requirements, and the sometimes insufficient payments that come along with gettin' a government grant. Despite all these dysfunctions, nonprofits keep coming back for more, and for good reason. Of the more than 300,000 human service organizations in America, nearly 2/3 won government contracts last year. However, tapping into government funding can be time consuming and frustrating. So it's important to conduct a cost benefit analysis up front to determine if you even want to go this route. Let's say you do, then there's two main types of strategies for getting government funding. One strategy, I call responsive engagement, and the other is proactive. Let's start with the first type, responsive engagement, because this is more accessible for most…
