From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Making markets work: Changing business models

Making markets work: Changing business models

From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

Making markets work: Changing business models

- The world used to be simpler. If you wanted to make a profit, you invested in or launched a business. If you wanted to make a difference, you launched a nonprofit or ran for public office. If ever the world were so neatly divided, it isn't today. The boundaries between nonprofit and for-profit worlds are blurring. We expect more from for-profit companies. Instead of simply donating proceeds to good causes today some companies are putting societal problem-solving at the center of their business models. They're blending profit with purpose, and striving to create what Harvard Business School professor, Michael Porter, and my Do More Than Give Coauthor, Mark Kramer, have called shared value. The changing role of business creates expanded opportunities for you as a nonprofit leader to generate more impact, because you can harvest these market forces to drive your cause. In my study of high impact nonprofits and forces for good, my coauthor and I found three basic ways that nonprofits…
