From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Creating value through business partnerships

Creating value through business partnerships

From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

Creating value through business partnerships

- When it comes to corporate fundraising, nonprofit leaders often make a major mistake. They approach companies with dollar signs in their eyes as if a company were like a giant ATM machine just waiting to dispense money to your cause. In reality corporations overall contribute a relatively modest portion of grants to the nonprofit sector. Just 5% of total giving. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't approach corporations for support. What I like to tell nonprofit leaders is instead you should change what you ask for because companies can do much more to help your cause than simply write a check. Companies can offer political clout, connections, and cachet. Particularly if their brand is a trusted and popular one. So your nonprofit should consider all of the assets of a company, both financial and otherwise when you approach a commercial enterprise for support. So savvy nonprofit leaders will shift their mindset when it comes to working with corporations. A way you can start is by…
