From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Collective impact

Collective impact

- Imagine, just for a moment, that some of today's most complex social and environmental problems can be solved, not by a donor pouring in millions of more dollars or even by a social entrepreneur inventing a brilliant new solution but simply by motivating the existing players to tackle it in a different way. Does that sound like wishful thinking? Well, it happening right now in places as diverse as Cincinnati's public school system to the Latin American countries that surround the Amazon rainforest. Whether the issue is education reform or climate change, we all know that no single organization will ever be solely responsible for solving these seemingly intractable problems, whether you're running a nonprofit or a corporation or government agency. But for too long, we've looked to nonprofits as the sole solution to our problems when it turns out that whenever real progress is made, it's almost always because leaders work together across sectors to tackle issues at a systemic level…
