From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Assessing your readiness to lead

Assessing your readiness to lead

- While you may be brimming with passion and zeal for your cause, you've lined up some early supporters, and you're just bursting at the seams to get started, ask yourself, "Am I really ready to lead?" Because launching or leading a nonprofit is no easy task. You will face some seemingly insurmountable challenges in your quest to advance your cause. You're going to begin a never ending process of raising money, recruiting and motivating volunteers, hiring and keeping your staff, and those staff will need not only to be paid but they're going to want professional development opportunities and growth. You also will likely face some real funding crises. Even some of the best nonprofit leaders have faced some pretty grim financial moments. Wendy Kopp, founder of Teach for America, writes in her book, "One Day, All Children," about an early period in her history when she was short on cash, she couldn't meet payroll, it was about 200,000 every two weeks at the time. So what was her…
