From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

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Adapting and innovating continuously

Adapting and innovating continuously

From the course: Nonprofit Management Foundations

Adapting and innovating continuously

- "It's not the strongest of the species that survives, "nor the most intelligent. "It's the one that's most adaptive to change." Charles Darwin observed this more than a century ago. And his lesson also holds true for nonprofits today. If you want your organization to achieve deep and lasting impact, you'll need to continually adapt and innovate. Well, innovation involves creativity and can lead you to launch entirely new products or services. Adaptation is a slightly different process. Adaptation requires you to be sharply tuned in, to the changes that are occurring in your external environment. And committing to constantly leading your nonprofit through a disciplined process of discovery, experimentation, evaluation, and modification of your approaches. It's a never ending cycle of adaptation. In my book "Forces for Good", my co-author and I call it Mastering the Art of adaptation. This adaptive cycle involves a four step process. It starts at the top with listening to the…
