From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: Using Relationships to Drive Growth

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Winning back donors

Winning back donors

- Imagine you've lost something that meant the world to you. Maybe it's an heirloom or an important photo, and you would do anything to get it back. Now, imagine it's back in your possession and how good that feels. In fundraising, your efforts will be able to build a loyal donor base of support. However, it's expected that every fundraiser will lose donors at some point. There are several reasons donors stop giving. Their financial situation may have changed. They may not agree with the direction your organization's headed, and other reasons that may be beyond your control. Don't worry. I'm going to prepare you for those instances, and give you three strategies for re-engaging lapsed donors. First, focus your efforts and recognize that winning back donor support may require a significant investment in time and resources. Start by identifying your best donors that you've lost. Consider only engaging with donors who have…
