From the course: Nonprofit Fundraising: Using Relationships to Drive Growth

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Types of donor objections

Types of donor objections

- Objections can come in many forms. When a kid doesn't want to eat their vegetables, a parent, guardian or caregiver may hear the following. "I'm full. I don't like them." Or, "You didn't eat any, so why do I have to?" Any of these sound familiar? When you can prepare for and understand objections, you are more likely to be able to overcome them. As a fundraiser, when you hear objections from donors, recognize they are a normal and natural part of every conversation. In the nonprofit world, an objection is anything the prospect says or does that presents an obstacle to the successful completion of the ask. Objections, also referred to as donor resistance, can be both emotional and logical. In this video, I will explain the most common types of resistance by prospective donors and how to navigate them. Your first task in answering to an objection is to calm the prospect's emotion by proving you are open to reason.…
